What is Thermal Risk (Real-Time Risk)?

Functional and metabolic changes must FIRST occur in order to set up the foundation for tumor growth. These changes create HOT SPOTS and abnormal heat patterns UP TO 7 YEARS before any tumor can actually develop and grow.

HOT SPOTS are caused by:

  • Inflammation

  • Increased Blood Circulation

  • New Blood Vessel Growth (pre-cancer & many cancers)

HOT SPOTS & Abnormal heat patterns are used to determine your REAL TIME RISK

Can I Lower my REAL RISK?

YES! Knowing your Real Time Risk is the 1st step in reducing that risk and protecting YOUR Breasts4LIFE.

Your breasts are like the “canaries in the coal mine,” if they are not healthy, that means that the underlying systems (i.e., immune, digestion, elimination, etc.) supporting those breasts are likely stressed and unhealthy as well.

Holistic Programs

Holistic programs customized to reduce risk and help you keep your Breasts4LIFE:

  • Whole Food Supplementation

  • Homeopathic Medicine

  • Detoxification

  • Hormonal Balancing

  • Immune System Up-Regulation

  • Dietary Improvements

  • Lifestyle Optimization

  • Much more..