Mammograms vs.
Thermal Imaging

Problems Women Face with Mammograms

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Squeezing, Pain & Bruising

The squeezing and compression during a mammogram often creates pain and even bruising…this may deter women from being examined.

During Thermal Breast Imaging there is ZERO CONTACT to you by anyone or anything & is 100% PAIN FREE.

X-Ray Radiation

Mammograms use X-rays to create the imaging. X-rays use ionizing radiation that is known to damage DNA and cause mutations…which we all can agree is not good.

Thermal Breast Imaging is 100% SAFE and painless. The camera is taking a picture of the heat your body is giving off and shooting nothing at you.

Accuracy Problems

Mammography has an overall 20% false negative rate (missed cancerous tumor) in women under age 60 – and up to 40% in women under age 50 due to breast density.

Mammography has an overall 25% false positive rate (false indication that a cancerous tumor is present) which leads to unnecessary and painful biopsies.

Thermal Imaging improves the accuracy of mammograms, from the current 80% to over 92%. The tests work better together.

Is Thermal Breast Imaging an Alternative to Mammography?

In response to the growing confusion regarding the current accepted role of thermal imaging (thermography) for use in breast cancer screening and detection, the International Academy of Clinical Thermology issues the following position statement:

The Proper Role of Thermal Imaging is Not as a Replacement for Mammography.

Breast thermography is a complementary screening and detection procedure, which when added to a woman’s breast health examination substantially increases the sensitivity in detecting pathologies associated with the breast. As a unique physiological examination procedure, breast thermography is the only known test that can also serve as an early warning system by identifying women who have high-risk pre-cancerous infrared imaging markers. The procedure can also play a role in prognosis and as a method of assisting in monitoring the effects of treatment.

Why Thermal Imaging is Not a Replacement for Mammography

  • There is no one test that can detect 99-100% of all cancers. Therefore, no single test exists that can be used alone as an adequate screening or detection method for breast cancer.

  • A physiological imaging procedure (thermography) cannot replace an anatomical imaging procedure (mammography). The two tests are “looking” for completely different pathological processes.

Thermography is far more sensitive than mammography. However, some slow growing non-aggressive cancers will only be detected by mammography.