Can Thermal Imaging Be a Replacement or Substitute for Mammography?

No! The two tests examine completely different aspects of breast health.   A mammogram, like an ultrasound and MRI, is a test that looks at the actual tissue, it is an anatomical  test  that  focuses  on  finding  structural  problems  like  tumors, masses,  cysts, calcifications, etc.

Thermal Imaging is very different.  It is a test of function or physiology that sees HOT SPOTS. These HOT SPOTS are the heat signatures of metabolic and vascular activity. Abnormal thermal findings require close monitoring & further evaluation with a test of anatomy—ultrasound for example—to specifically locate any findings, and proceed with any necessary treatment.   One test is not better than the other.   They are looking at completely different aspects of the breast tissue.  One is structure and the other is function.  THEREFORE ONE CANNOT REPLACE OR SUBSTITUTE ONE FOR THE OTHER.   However, if nothing is found through follow‐up evaluation, you have an early RISK ASSESSMENT OR WARNING SYSTEM and the opportunity to do something about it.   No other test available has the ability to see this activity.  The good news…thermal imaging actually helps increase the accuracy of mammograms and other tests.     Think of how a weatherman uses a satellite image and a radar image to examine a storm; each gives different types of information, and together form a more complete picture. Similarly, Thermal Imaging and other tests work together to form a highly accurate picture of what’s happening in the breast.

How Does Thermal Imaging Work?

What are we actually looking at? Before a tumor can grow large enough to be seen by today’s imaging technology like mammography, ultrasound and MRI, the area that it will grow in needs to be primed.  A foundation has to be built. This foundation shows up as increased heat or INFRARED ENERGY due to increased inflammation and increased blood supply and/or circulation to that area. These areas show up as HOT SPOTS or show other thermal signs of increase RISK of a problem in the area.

No other test available has the ability to see this activity. increase the accuracy of mammograms and other tests. The good news…thermal imaging actually helps.

When should you use Thermal Imaging?

As soon as possible. Recent studies show an increasing number of breast cancer cases in women under age 40 (when your first mammogram is recommended). You should begin using Thermal Imaging when you are 20 years old to establish a baseline—between ages 20 and 30, every 3 years, and annually after that.   These recommendations are based on normal findings. Higher risk findings require more frequent monitoring.

Thermal Imaging gives you the ability to safely and accurately monitor changes in your breast tissue’s activity. You can see the earliest signs of trouble, and take proper action. Thermal Imaging empowers you to take control of your breast health. Ultimately, you can make life‐saving decisions to protect yourself before its too late.

Is Thermal Imaging covered by insurance?

You should check with your health insurance provider. Although rare, there are some insurance companies who will reimburse you for this procedure. It really depends on where you are and the type of policy you have. We will provide you with all necessary codes to submit a claim. The cost of your exam may be a qualified expense through a Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flex Spending Account (FSA).

How much does a thermal breast imaging exam cost?

An annual thermal breast imaging exam is about $ 0.80 cents per day (annual exam $295).

Can I have a Thermal Breast Evaluation if I’ve had breast surgery (lumpectomy, mastectomy, breast implants/reduction, etc.)?

Yes! Regardless of previous surgery to the breast tissue, your Thermal Imaging can be performed safely and accurately. In fact, mammography’s effectiveness is limited after such surgeries. There are guidelines as to when the Thermal Evaluation should be performed in relation to surgery. If you’ve had breast surgery, and would like to know when you can have your evaluation, please contact our office to schedule a FREE phone consultation.

Can Thermal Imaging diagnose breast cancer?  

No! In fact, all other methods (mammography, ultrasound, physical/self exam) can only suggest the presence or absence of disease. The only way to diagnose breast cancer is through a biopsy, and pathological study.      

Does my menstrual cycle affect the thermal imaging results?

No! Whether you are ovulating or just finishing your cycle it will not impact the results of your test.

I Have Dense Breast Tissue? I Have Fibrocystic Breasts?

There is NO CONTACT at all to you by anyone or anything.  So the test will be 100% comfortable. Also, dense tissue, cysts, fibrocysts, etc. usually have very little metabolic activity (i.e., very low heat out‐put). These areas are frequently mistaken for higher concern issues that result in many more UNNECESSARY mammograms and painful biopsies. Just so you know…80% of all biopsies recommended based on a mammogram come back normal, that’s a lot of stress we could have avoided and expense.

What If I Have Breast Implants?

There is NO CONTACT at all to you by anyone or anything. So the test will be 100% safe & comfortable.

Thermal Imaging can also help detect leaks in implants as well.

How Often Should I Have Thermal Imaging?

Annual evaluations are recommended. These recommendations are based on normal findings. Higher    risk findings require more frequent monitoring. Thermal Imaging gives you the ability to safely and accurately monitor changes in your breast tissue’s activity.

What is The Breasts4LIFE Experience?

The Breasts4LIFE Experience is built around you. It is the highest professional experience with a truly spa and wellness‐centered feel.

We are the standard! Our clinic and affiliates have been performing thermal imaging for over 25 years.   Our Technology is the ICI 8640 and it is the most advanced thermal medical imager on the planet. We are the only thermal imaging service in  Michigan that uses this FDA cleared camera and software technology. And in the world of medical devices nothing is more important.   Your image resolution and accuracy is FOUR TIMES that of the typical camera in use right now.
Our reports are written by the top professionals within the thermal interpretation world. All are licensed health professionals (DC, DO, MD).   You will have your report usually within 10 business days.