What’s the Research Say about Breast Thermography?

Breast thermography has been researched for over 30 years, and over 800 peer-reviewed breast thermography studies exist in the index-medicus.

In this data base well over 250,000 women have been included as study participants. The numbers of participants in many studies are very large ranging from 37,000 to 118,000 women. Some of these studies have followed patients up to 12 years. Breast thermography has an average sensitivity and specificity of 90%.

Studies show that:

  • An abnormal infrared image is also the single most important marker of high risk for developing breast cancer

  • 8 times more significant than a first order family history of the disease(5).

  • A persistent abnormal thermogram caries with it a 22x higher risk of future breast cancer.

  • When added to a woman's regular breast health checkups, a 61% increased survival rate has been realized.

  • Finally, when used as part of a multimodal approach (clinical examination + mammography + thermography) 95% of early stage cancers will be detected.

A positive infrared scan may indicate the presence of many different breast abnormalities such as mastitis, benign tumors, fibrocystic breast disease, cancer, and others.

Research featuring Thermal Imaging

  • Effectiveness of a Noninvasive Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging System in the Detection of Breast Cancer (Am J Surg. 2008 Oct ;196 (4):523-6)

  • Nondestructive Testing of the Human Breast: The Validity of Dynamic Stress Testing in Medical Infrared Breast Imaging (IEEE EMBS, 2004)

  • Infrared Imaging of the Breast: Initial Reappraisal Using High-Resolution Digital Technology in 100 Succesive Cases of Stage I and II Breast Cancer (The Breast Journal. Vol. 4, No. 4, July/August 1998)

  • Efficacy of Computerized Infrared Imaging Analysis to Evaluate Mammographically Suspicious Lesions (AJR: 180:263-269. 2003)

  • Advances in Medical Infrared Imaging (IEEE EMBS Journal, Vol. 21, No. 6, November/December 2002)

  • Relationship Between Microvessel Density and Thermographic Hot Areas in Breast Cancer (Surgery Today)

  • Manipulation of the Primary Breast Tumor and the Incidence of Sentinel Node Metastases From Invasive Breast Cancer

  • Influence of Estrogen Plus Progestin on Breast Cancer and Mammography in Health Postmenopausal Women (The Women’s Health Initiative Randomized Trial)

  • Estrogens, Steroidal (National Institutes of Health)

  • Endogenous Estrogens as Carcinogens Through Metabolic Activation (Abstract)

  • Estrogens as Endogenous Genotoxic Agents—DNA Adducts and Mutations (Abstract)

  • Tissue-Specific Synthesis and Oxidative Metabolism of Estrogens

  • Endocrine disrupters and human health: could oestrogenic chemicals in body care cosmetics adversely affect breast cancer incidence in women?

  • Chemo Prevention of Cancer

  • Vascular Targeting Agents as Cancer Therapeutics

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